2014年4月13日 星期日

[Python][CheckiO]Feed Pigeons

Simple task, but the problem description is a lil bit hard to understand.

Therefore I made a representative figure as follows.

In the 1st minute, only one pigeon can be fed.

In the 2nd minute, besides the original pigeon(came in the 1st minute), another two pigeons come.

In the 3rd minute, another three comes beside to the original three (came in the 1st and 2nd minute)


According to the aforementioned description, we know the number of new pigeons is exactly the same as the delta of time (in minute)

After understanding the rules above, it is easy to calculate how many pigeons can be fed


Following is the source code:

 def add_new_pigeons(minute):  
   return minute 
 def calculate_total_pigeons(minute):  
   total = 0  
   for m in range(1, minute+1):  
     total += m  
   return total 
 def checkio(food):  
   minute = 1   
   while (food > 0):  
     new_group = add_new_pigeons(minute)  
     total_pigeons = calculate_total_pigeons(minute)  
     food -= total_pigeons  
     if food < 0:  
       new_pigeons = new_group - abs(food)  
       if new_pigeons < 0: # none of the new pigenons gets fed  
         new_pigeons = 0  
       return calculate_total_pigeons(minute - 1) + new_pigeons  
     elif food == 0:  
       return total_pigeons  
     minute += 1  

